Monday, March 30, 2009

Lenten Promise

This year for Lent i made a hard promise.  My promise was only hard because i was tryin to give up something that has been a habit for awhile.  I gave up beatin and cracking my nail, its really hard.  However, i made some progress on my promise.  I have not beaten tmy finger nails as much.  I also have crack my fingers way less then i used to.  Im also goin to keep my promise passed Lent. I really want to quit them because they are both bad habits, and i should not do them.  So may God help me

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What do i want to be

When i grow up, I want to be an architect. I think designing building will be really cool.  Instead of designing like hospitals, I want to design like sports stadiums and tall skyscrapers.  Also, my mom is an architect and so I know how cool it is.  My mom says that the key is working with people that you like.  She says that it makes way more fun if you like your co-workers.  If i don't become an architect, I will want to do some that involved history.  I think that history is really cool, and it is something that I'm very deep in.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Service Project

This summer i will be working at St. Anns for service hours.  There i will prepare and give food basket to the people in West Peoria.  I love doing it because it gives me a warm feeling inside.  Its always nice to know that your helping a family out.  Its also really fun because the people there r very nice.  They are also very friendly and create a very nice wrok area.  I will probably get about 26 to 30 hours of service hours. I will probably doing it my senior year because it just a great place to work.  They need more help so i will probaly get more people involved

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey is probably the best radio talker ever. He air every weekday morning, mid-day, and on Saturday morning.  He was so popular that he had 20 million people listen to his radio network. Unfortunately, this great loving person died February 29, 2009.  It was a sad and awful day for the American people.  Harvey was so admired by everybody that even the president himself came to his funeral and gave a speech in his behalf.  Paul Harvey was given plenty of prestigious  awards, and people wrote many books on him.  The day after his death,  they air one his show on the radio and everyone tuned in to listen. R.I.P Paul Harvey, you will for ever be in our hearts.paulharvey.jpg