Thursday, April 30, 2009

6,000,000: Story of an Auschwitz Survivor

I thought that this story was really sad.  I thinks it very sad that this man had a great childhood and then the germans just took it all away from him. Plus how could the Germans not feel guilty or bad about killing Jews.  Thats basically saying that you have no soul, and that you are taking the power of life and death, which only God should do. Imagine how the Jews felt.  They did nothing wrong, but the still get killed because of their looks.  Also, the people that supported this, should feel ashamed for what they aloud to happen.  

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gossip Kills

I thought that this example of gossip was perfect.  It basically said that once you gossip on someone you can never take it back.  I also thought it was great how a priest told this story, it really hit home.  I think gossip is basically talking bad about someone behind there back. That my understanding of it.  I think people gossip just because there bored and it gives them something to do.  I think that maybe they are insecure about themselves and half to make other people feel bad.  If people are gossiping about you, you shouldn't worry because you know its not true and it makes people that gossip about you stupid.

Friday, April 24, 2009


For the PSA project Drew,Carson,Blake,Brett, and i are doing it on like cool basketball moves.  We choose this because all of us love to play or watch basketball.  And plus the topic is really cool and will be a lot of fun.  Each us will perform a sweet basketball move in this project.  I think this project is really good for us because we all now basketball well.  We will probably put dunks in it, sick crossovers, and big time blocks.  We are really encourage people to like watch basketball and show them all the cool stuff that comes with playing basketball.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Music Genome

I love the Music Genome project. It was really cool to find different kinds of music.  For the project, I did Techno, which actually isn't that bad.  I like the beat very much.  I also like how people voices sound in there songs.  Plus, the songs can also help u get hyped for like a games.  It be kind of cool to do this project again, so i can try a different style of music.  I would probaly pick punk or rap because those are my two favorite kinds of music. I love this music class. Best class i have ever had.


Easter was okay i guess. I didn't go anywhere so it wasn't that good.  However, i did like paint my basement and rearrange.  And i am about to get a pool table too.  So party at my house, haha.  My Easter dinner was pretty cool. I got to hang with my cousins from Ohio.  We played games and played a family football, which was really sweet.  I also went and picked up my brother at ISU and got to stay down there for a few days.  The only bad thing was that one of my sister couldn't make it because she was in Australia.