Thursday, April 30, 2009

6,000,000: Story of an Auschwitz Survivor

I thought that this story was really sad.  I thinks it very sad that this man had a great childhood and then the germans just took it all away from him. Plus how could the Germans not feel guilty or bad about killing Jews.  Thats basically saying that you have no soul, and that you are taking the power of life and death, which only God should do. Imagine how the Jews felt.  They did nothing wrong, but the still get killed because of their looks.  Also, the people that supported this, should feel ashamed for what they aloud to happen.  

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gossip Kills

I thought that this example of gossip was perfect.  It basically said that once you gossip on someone you can never take it back.  I also thought it was great how a priest told this story, it really hit home.  I think gossip is basically talking bad about someone behind there back. That my understanding of it.  I think people gossip just because there bored and it gives them something to do.  I think that maybe they are insecure about themselves and half to make other people feel bad.  If people are gossiping about you, you shouldn't worry because you know its not true and it makes people that gossip about you stupid.

Friday, April 24, 2009


For the PSA project Drew,Carson,Blake,Brett, and i are doing it on like cool basketball moves.  We choose this because all of us love to play or watch basketball.  And plus the topic is really cool and will be a lot of fun.  Each us will perform a sweet basketball move in this project.  I think this project is really good for us because we all now basketball well.  We will probably put dunks in it, sick crossovers, and big time blocks.  We are really encourage people to like watch basketball and show them all the cool stuff that comes with playing basketball.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Music Genome

I love the Music Genome project. It was really cool to find different kinds of music.  For the project, I did Techno, which actually isn't that bad.  I like the beat very much.  I also like how people voices sound in there songs.  Plus, the songs can also help u get hyped for like a games.  It be kind of cool to do this project again, so i can try a different style of music.  I would probaly pick punk or rap because those are my two favorite kinds of music. I love this music class. Best class i have ever had.


Easter was okay i guess. I didn't go anywhere so it wasn't that good.  However, i did like paint my basement and rearrange.  And i am about to get a pool table too.  So party at my house, haha.  My Easter dinner was pretty cool. I got to hang with my cousins from Ohio.  We played games and played a family football, which was really sweet.  I also went and picked up my brother at ISU and got to stay down there for a few days.  The only bad thing was that one of my sister couldn't make it because she was in Australia.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lenten Promise

This year for Lent i made a hard promise.  My promise was only hard because i was tryin to give up something that has been a habit for awhile.  I gave up beatin and cracking my nail, its really hard.  However, i made some progress on my promise.  I have not beaten tmy finger nails as much.  I also have crack my fingers way less then i used to.  Im also goin to keep my promise passed Lent. I really want to quit them because they are both bad habits, and i should not do them.  So may God help me

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What do i want to be

When i grow up, I want to be an architect. I think designing building will be really cool.  Instead of designing like hospitals, I want to design like sports stadiums and tall skyscrapers.  Also, my mom is an architect and so I know how cool it is.  My mom says that the key is working with people that you like.  She says that it makes way more fun if you like your co-workers.  If i don't become an architect, I will want to do some that involved history.  I think that history is really cool, and it is something that I'm very deep in.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Service Project

This summer i will be working at St. Anns for service hours.  There i will prepare and give food basket to the people in West Peoria.  I love doing it because it gives me a warm feeling inside.  Its always nice to know that your helping a family out.  Its also really fun because the people there r very nice.  They are also very friendly and create a very nice wrok area.  I will probably get about 26 to 30 hours of service hours. I will probably doing it my senior year because it just a great place to work.  They need more help so i will probaly get more people involved

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey is probably the best radio talker ever. He air every weekday morning, mid-day, and on Saturday morning.  He was so popular that he had 20 million people listen to his radio network. Unfortunately, this great loving person died February 29, 2009.  It was a sad and awful day for the American people.  Harvey was so admired by everybody that even the president himself came to his funeral and gave a speech in his behalf.  Paul Harvey was given plenty of prestigious  awards, and people wrote many books on him.  The day after his death,  they air one his show on the radio and everyone tuned in to listen. R.I.P Paul Harvey, you will for ever be in our hearts.paulharvey.jpg

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Photo name project

Well, I was working on this I photo name project. I'm done now and i thought it was a great project. It made me dig deep into my creative side, and i like changing the colors. It made me feel like a graffiti artist. I also like that you got to put in pictures that resemble you. It made me think on who I really was inside. I think that i have had a lot of success in the effects part of this project. I didn't really have any problems on it, except for the music area. But i can always do it for the next project.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
This interstellar beast is formed of cosmic dust and gas interacting with the energetic light and winds from hot young stars. The shape, visual texture, and color, combine to give the region the popular name Fox Fur Nebula. The characteristic blue glow on the left is dust reflecting light from the bright star S Mon, just beyond the left edge of the image. Mottled pink and brown areas are a combination of the cosmic dust and reddish emission from ionized hydrogen gas. S Mon is part of a young open cluster of stars, NGC 2264, located about 2,500 light years away toward the constellation of Monoceros, just north of the Cone Nebula.
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I choose this picture because it looks really cool. Plus I like how the color form other colors like: red orange and it has a hint of yellowish color in it. I like how the red in the pictures looks like flames and it kind of reminds me of a lion's mane. The way the picture is able to show that his mouth is open is very sweet. I like that the nose of the fox has like a black area on it. It makes it look more like a fox. I really only choose this picture because i like the way the colors pop out at you.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Duke stinks

For any of you who thought that Duke could beat UNC, I laugh at you. Well, i have to admit that Duke is good, but they just don't have the talent like UNC does. They can't stop Psycho T( Tyler Hansbough) and they definitely couldn't stop Ty Lawson. Actually there is no one that can match his speed, he is just that fast. Plus, he is way to strong for Duke little defenders. The only one that has the body to stop him would be Singular, but only if he was fast enough. And when he did try to stop him, Lawson got a three point play. Also UNC played really good defense in the second half, and Duke went 0-13 in the second half on threes. So i can't wait till Duke come to Chapel Hill.

Home Crisis

If my home was about to be taken from the bank, my family would probably turn to there parents. But we shouldn't have to, the government should step in and help. That why we have so much homeless people because the government sit on their butt and do nothing. And then they have the nerve to say that its the peoples fault. In some cases yes, but in other case it's the government's fault because the don't give the people enough benefits. If the government gave health insurance to people, then maybe they would use all their money in medical bills. Instead they could put it into their house.

Monday, February 9, 2009


The Grammy's were really cool, except for that pregnant women. She was supposed to have the baby that day, so it probably a bad idea to do a live performance.  However, the other performers were really sweet.  Kanye's hair was off the hook, and so was Weezy's.  I think there performance the best ever through the pregnant M.I.A girl was in it.  I didn't like some of the awards though.  I thought Kanye should of been nominated for Best rapper. Plus i thought his song heartless or love lockdown should of been nominated for best rap song.  Kanye West RULES!!!

Pro athletes

Pro athletes can let loose, but they should not disobey the law when they do.  Privacy, that doesn't really apply to good pro athletes.  If your good, you should expect people to look up to you.  Thats why we buy them millions of dollars in endorsements.  They get the endorsements because kids want to be like them and the want they stuff they have.  So if they do illegal stuff like smoke weed, or use steroids then people probably won't buy their stuff.  And the use of steroids is just plan cheating and cheating yourself.  Pro athletes should know better

Friday, January 30, 2009

This everybody around the united states are going to watch one thing.  That is the super bowl.  In my opinion i think the Steelers are going to win because they have a youth very good QB.  Plus i think that Steelers defense is way faster and better.  Still fitzgerald and Boldin will give the Steelers secondary a very tuff team and Kurt Warner's decision making with give them trouble.  The offense of the Steelers is very good.  With Hines Ward, Nate Washington, and Santanio Holmes the Steelers will win.  If thats not it, they have a killer running back Willie Parker

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Barack Obama

During this month the whole focus is on the new President Barack Obama.  The people compare Obama to the famous Civil War president Abraham Lincoln. I think that people are wrong for saying this because he hasn't done anything yet.  Just because he was elected into president when a war was going on doesn't make him like Lincoln.  A lot of president were elected when a war was going on, and anyways the war is going to end in like 2011.  So i don't know how u compare him to lincoln because lincoln was in a Civil War.  So you people are wrong

Monday, January 12, 2009

Golden Globes

I like the golden globes in that Heath Ledger won best supporting actor but it would of been better if he was there in person.  I dislike the globes when the didn't give Heath Ledger the award for best actor. I thought he deserved it because his performance in the Dark Knight was phenomenal.  Without Heath Ledger The Dark Knight would of not been as good.  I loved the emotion and ethusiam he brought to the Joker. He nailed the psychopath aspect of the Joker. I also didn't like that The Dark Knight did not win the award for best motion picture.