Monday, February 9, 2009

Pro athletes

Pro athletes can let loose, but they should not disobey the law when they do.  Privacy, that doesn't really apply to good pro athletes.  If your good, you should expect people to look up to you.  Thats why we buy them millions of dollars in endorsements.  They get the endorsements because kids want to be like them and the want they stuff they have.  So if they do illegal stuff like smoke weed, or use steroids then people probably won't buy their stuff.  And the use of steroids is just plan cheating and cheating yourself.  Pro athletes should know better


  1. I totally belive in this jeff. Athletes use these things to make them selves feel cool. In my opinion it makes them look fake. There are many athletets that do this and to all of them its not bad. UNtil they see what it does to there family or the poeple they know. INcluding the fans. This also shos that they are not serous about what they do. And that they clearly dont care about thier lives. Thank you for posting this i hope to tlak to you soon

  2. jeff I am sorry but i can not agree with this because i believe that pro athletes should have their own privacy. Yes they should be role models becuase a lot of people do look up to them, but they still want to live a normal life. Jeff if you or i lived a life where some one was following you around all the time we would be grounded our entire lifes for stupid things we do or we say. It is really easy to say that they should have a spot light on them on and off the field but if you thought about it would you really want to have someone follow you around twenty-four seven?
